Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has big ideas and is showing the world in the Big Ideas Lab weekly podcast that takes listeners behind the fences and into its heart. “This is where big ideas come to life,” said Lab Director Kim Budil. “To do this, we bring together dynamic teams of many different disciplines — laser physicists and materials scientists and…
Amid the skyrocketing popularity of large language models (LLMs), researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are taking a closer look at how these artificial intelligence (AI) systems perform under measurable scrutiny. LLMs are generative AI tools trained on massive amounts of data in order to produce a text-based response to a query. This technology has the…
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) recently welcomed officials from the Department of Defense (DOD) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to dedicate a new supercomputing system and Rapid Response Laboratory (RRL). DOD is working with NNSA to significantly increase the computing capability available to the national biodefense programs. The…
Nearly 150 members of the signal and image science community recently came together to discuss the latest advances in the field and connect with colleagues, friends and potential collaborators at the 28th annual Center for Advanced Image and Signal Science (CASIS) workshop. Held at the University of California Livermore Collaboration Center (UCLCC) for the first time, the…
In a substantial milestone for supercomputing-aided drug design, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and BridgeBio Oncology Therapeutics (BridgeBio) today announced clinical trials have begun for a first-in-class medication that targets specific genetic mutations implicated in many types of cancer. The development of the new drug — BBO-8520 — is the result of…
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Director Kim Budil and other LLNL staff joined Department of Energy (DOE) Deputy Secretary David Turk, National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Administrator Jill Hruby, DOE Under Secretary for Science and Innovation Geraldine Richmond, DOE Director of the Office of Critical and Emerging Technologies Helena Fu, U.S…
Commercial fusion energy plants and advanced compact radiation sources may rely on high-intensity high-repetition rate lasers, capable of firing multiple times per second, but humans could be a limiting factor in reacting to changes at these shot rates. Applying advanced computing to this problem, a team of international scientists from Lawrence Livermore National…
When materials are subjected to extreme environments, they face the risk of mixing together. This mixing may result in hydrodynamic instabilities, yielding undesirable side effects. Such instabilities present a grand challenge across multiple disciplines, especially in astrophysics, combustion and shaped charges — a device used to focus the energy of a detonating explosive…
Three new systems currently or soon-to-be sited at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) on Monday debuted on the latest Top500 list of most powerful supercomputers in the world, including the first portion of the exascale machine El Capitan. Unveiled at the International Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg, Germany, the June 2024 Top500 lists three systems with…
In a groundbreaking development for addressing future viral pandemics, a multi-institutional team involving Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers has successfully combined an artificial intelligence (AI)-backed platform with supercomputing to redesign and restore the effectiveness of antibodies whose ability to fight viruses has been compromised by…
Representatives from the Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories, academia and industry convened recently at the University of California Livermore Collaboration Center (UCLCC) for a workshop aimed at aligning strategies for ensuring safe artificial intelligence (AI). The daylong event, attended by dozens of AI researchers, included keynote speeches by thought…
Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have achieved a milestone in accelerating and adding features to complex multi-physics simulations run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), a development that could advance high performance computing and engineering. As LLNL readies for El Capitan, the National Nuclear Security Administration’s first exascale…
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) Program today announced the launch of its latest funding opportunity, inviting companies to propose collaborations with the DOE’s national laboratories that utilize their supercomputing resources and expertise. The HPC4EI umbrella, which includes the HPC4Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg…
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) recently hosted its 7th annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference for data scientists, industry professionals, recent graduates and others interested in the field. As an independent satellite of the global WiDS conference celebrating International Women’s Day, the Livermore hybrid event was held to highlight the work and…
The high performance computing (HPC) publication HPCwire has selected Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory computer scientist Todd Gamblin as one of its “People to Watch” in HPC for 2024. A distinguished member of technical staff in Livermore Computing, Gamblin is best known in the HPC community for creating Spack, a popular open source HPC package management tool that…
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) initiative today announced over $5 million in new funding for 13 industry partnerships, including a project led at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to develop more efficient optical cables. The awards, which stem from DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s …
Officials with the National Nuclear Security Administration and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory broke ground Feb. 6 on the Digital Infrastructure Capability Expansion (DICE) project, a critical upgrade for LLNL’s networking and communications. A decade in the making, the 13,000 square-foot facility is scheduled for completion in June 2025. It will provide LLNL with…
The Innovation and Partnerships Office (IPO) has launched a new software licensing portal to facilitate the adoption of the diverse proprietary software solutions developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers. The portal is another outlet from IPO to promote technology transfer through partnerships and licensing opportunities to the private sector…
A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)-led team has developed a method for optimizing application performance on largescale graphics processing unit (GPU) systems, providing a useful tool for developers running on GPU-based massively parallel and distributed machines. A recent paper, which features four LLNL co-authors, describes a mechanism called Record-Replay …
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) announced the election of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory computational mathematician Carol Woodward as its president-elect and LLNL computational scientist Judy Hill as a council member for the organization. SIAM is a renowned international community with more than 14,000 applied mathematicians,…