Helping Our Neighbors
Giving Back to Our Local Community
The Laboratory strives to be a good neighbor within its community, offering a wide variety of activities to enhance science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. In addition, students of all ages benefit from training programs Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has established.
Outreach does not stop with education — each year LLNL staff and Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC donate more than $3 million to local nonprofits, while hundreds of employees donate their time to local service agencies.

The Annual HOME Campaign
In 2024 LLNL employees, along with Lawrence Livermore National Security (LLNS), LLC, donated more than $3.4 million to charitable organizations via the Helping Others More Effectively (HOME) Campaign, the Laboratory’s annual employee giving program.
Participating employees can select charitable organizations for their donations from the IRS Exempt Organization Business Master file. Charitable organizations do not need to register with the HOME Campaign to be eligible to receive donations.
$3.4M+ Raised
$4.1M+ Raised
$3.6M+ Raised
$3.6M+ Raised
$3.9M+ Raised
$3.7M+ Raised

LLNS's Community Gift Program
As the managing contractor of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC (LLNS) is committed to being a valued citizen and good neighbor in its local communities.
In the spirit of giving, LLNS has established the LLNS Community Gift Program giving gifts totaling $200,000 annually to community organizations. Gifts can range in amounts from $500 to $15,000.
The LLNS Community Gift Program is open to publicly funded California K-12 schools, community colleges, 501(c)(3) entities and government agencies serving the Tri-Valley counties surrounding LLNL.
LLNS manages LLNL for the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. LLNS is comprised of Bechtel, the largest project management contractor in the United States; the University of California, the world’s largest public research institution; and BWXT Government Group, Inc. and AECOM, the top two DOE nuclear facilities contractors.
Visit the LLNS Community Gift Program Webpage
Committed to Being a Good Neighbor.
Embark on a career that serves your community and your nation. At LLNL, we bring our expertise to bear on the toughest challenges through community-engaged research.