Lasers and Optical Science and Technology

Who We Are

Our research teams include scientists, engineers and technicians who are supported by analysts, designers, transport and handling workers and health and safety experts. Meet a few of the people who work in lasers and optical science and technology:


Brian Bauman
Computational Engineering Division
Hilary Johnson
National Security Engineering Division
Leily Kiani
Fiber Technologies Group
Vanessa Peters
Laser Materials Interaction Group
Rajesh Raman
Optics and Materials Science & Technology
Michael Stadermann
National Ignition Facility and Photon Science

Our Latest News

Our Current Projects

We develop state-of-the-art optics and novel materials than can meet the needs of advanced laser systems, and we model, design and test next-generation laser technology.


Technician in clean suit working on optical material


Calibrated Optics

We develop, test and refine advanced optics that can tolerate the extreme conditions in our high energy density science experiments. Our optical scientists are experts in the physics of laser-matter interaction and chemical processes that mitigate laser damage. We tailor optics to offer the refractive properties needed to avoid damage. For example, a fused silica debris shield was a critical factor in NIF’s ability to deliver more than 2 megajoules of laser energy in ignition experiments.


Technicians work on laser equipment


Advanced Photon Technologies

The Advanced Photon Technologies (APT) program investigates and develops cutting-edge photon technologies enabling both scientific advancement and new commercial applications. We design, model, test and commission next-generation laser technology. Key elements in the program are the research and development of advanced solid-state laser technology, ultrafast solid-state lasers, high-peak-power lasers, high-average-power lasers and high-energy, high-intensity short-pulse lasers.


target view in chamber


Materials for Laser Systems

The intricate, delicate targets like the ones used in NIF experiments that have achieved ignition are marvels of design, engineering and precise manufacturing. We develop, build and evaluate new materials that can meet the needs of advanced laser systems, such as smooth, nearly defect-free targets, ultra-thin polymer films that support target capsules and polymer coatings able to withstand extreme environments. Our teams also study the growth of crystals in deuterium and tritium isotopes.


Our Facilities, Centers and Institutes

Our work is carried out at NIF, the world's largest and most energetic laser, at additional Livermore facilities and in partnership with world-class facilities offering unique capabilities.


Related Organizations

World-class science takes teamwork. Explore the organizations that contribute to our lasers and optical science and technology research by clicking the images below.


Join Our Team

We offer opportunities in a variety of fields, not just science and technology. We are home to a diverse staff of professionals that includes administrators, researchers, creatives, supply chain staff, health services workers and more. Visit our careers page to learn more about the different career paths we offer and find the one that speaks to you. Make your mark on the world!