
Lab scientists participate in DOE project examining transformational energy materials

Four Laboratory researchers in conjunction with Deputy Director of Science and Technology Tomas Diaz de la Rubia have published a report on materials-driven product and processing technologies with near-term potential for energy efficiency, use, access and business opportunities.

Wayne King, Patrice Turchi, Jaime Marian, Anantha Krishnan and Diaz de la Rubia participated in the development of the report commissioned by the Department of Energy Industrial Technologies Program. The report , "Linking Transformational Materials and Processing for an Energy Efficient and Low-Carbon Economy: Creating the Vision and Accelerating Realization: Opportunity Analysis for Materials Science and Engineering," was released in February by The Minerals Metals & Materials Society (TMS) and funded through Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Diaz de la Rubia was named to the Energy Materials Blue Ribbon Panel, which initiated the process in February 2010. Convened by TMS, the panel was charged with laying the groundwork for a focused evaluation of the highest value opportunities for materials and processing innovation. The team members met the challenge by producing a vision report in June 2010 that distilled their findings into four cross-cutting materials science and engineering (MSE) themes: functional surface technology; higher-performance materials for extreme environments; multi-materials integration in energy systems; and sustainable manufacturing of materials.

Phase II of the project was initiated in September 2010, when technical working groups for each of the MSE themes were assembled to build on the panel's broad recommendations by identifying approaches to propel the most promising technologies from the research laboratory into application at scale. The " Opportunity Analysis for Materials Science and Engineering " summarizes the outcomes of this process. King and Turchi participated in the higher performance materials technical working group; Marian in the multi-materials integration group; and Krishnan in the sustainable manufacturing of materials group.

"The engagement of the MSE community in this work has been a vital component in producing these outputs," said Warren Hunt, Jr., TMS executive director. "It has been a wonderful example of collaborative excellence and TMS is very pleased to have been able to facilitate the process focused on this important area for the United States and the world."

The complete report , as well as a summary article and additional background information on the project , can be accessed on the project home page of the TMS Energy Website .

March 4, 2011


Anne M Stark
[email protected]