
E.O. Lawrence multimedia timeline on Lab Website

Did you know that Ernest Lawrence, the Nobel-prize-winning physicist who founded the Laboratory in 1952, was born in South Dakota to direct descendants of Norwegian immigrants?

That fact, along with a photo of his first home, is included in a new archival multimedia timeline feature about Lawrence, freshly incorporated into the lower right corner of the LLNL Website's home page .

The timeline includes many more photos, along with excerpts from a documentary film "Atoms Old and New" about Lawrence's life and the 20th century scientific discoveries to which he was a major contributor.

Additional features will be added to the timeline periodically, beginning with modules about Edward Teller and Herb York, the Lab's first director.

Much of the content comes from LLNL's Archives department, managed by trost5 [at] ( Maxine Trost ) .

"Our archives are filled with a treasure trove of historical information in various media formats. It's gratifying to be able to make it available in this easy-to-use fashion to the general public," Trost said.

Lab director Parney Albright praised the archival timeline project's first module, saying, "I am keenly aware of the intense passion for science and for national security that drove E.O. Lawrence and others as they built the foundations upon which the Laboratory continues to operate to this day."