Reduced Mission-Critical work continues

In response to COVID-19, the Lab has transitioned to a Reduced Mission-Critical Operations state.
Last week, limited work resumed on site in support of specific mission-essential activities in support of national security responsibilities, a posture referred to as “Reduced Mission-Critical Operations.” This is in addition to the employees who have been on site in support of both minimum safe and COVID-19-related projects and activities. Guidance has been developed to help returning employees effectively practice social distancing, enhanced hygiene and other safety practices, and to keep population density low.
Work is being resumed in a phased way, beginning with classified, office-based activities in support of priority weapons program activities, including support to the stockpile and modernization programs, along with critical support to the intelligence community. Planning is underway to expand this set of activities to include experimental work and part fabrication. In addition, high-priority construction projects, limited maintenance and other operations activities will begin returning to the Laboratory this month.
In total, approximately 1,000 people are expected to be on site by the end of the month. The rate of resumption of activities is a dynamic situation, and the Laboratory will adapt its plans in accordance with local conditions regarding COVID-19, while recognizing its national security responsibilities. Employees involved in work that requires on-site support will be notified individually. No employee should return to the Laboratory for any reason without specific authorization from their management.
Employees who are not working on site should continue their current posture, whether telecommuting or on authorized leave, until further notice. Employees should continue to follow current time-charging guidance. Any updates will be provided should the Laboratory receive additional direction from NNSA.
Employee health and safety
As the Laboratory continues this limited return to work, the top priority is protecting the health and safety of the workforce. A training course on how to work safely at LLNL during the COVID-19 pandemic is available. “Working Safely at LLNL During The COVID-19 Pandemic (HS4440-W)” is required for all Lab employees working at the main site or Site 300. Those telecommuting also may take the course. Ultimately, it will be required for all personnel returning to work at the Laboratory.
Employees may access the training via LTRAIN using their VPN account, or by clicking here. If using VPN, be sure to click the “I am onsite” tab to receive credit. Employees should charge time for taking the class to 40415/GET HS4440-W COVID-19. Additional information is available here.
To protect fellow employees, any worker who is ill must stay home until they are symptom-free for 72 hours without the use of symptom-altering medications (e.g., fever reducers). If a worker becomes ill while on site, it is imperative they inform their supervisor and leave work immediately. If symptoms worsen, they should call their health care provider for guidance.
Employees who test positive for COVID-19 should follow their personal health care provider’s recommendations and contact the Health Services Department by phone at (925) 422-6843 or covid19 [at] (email).
Employee resources
The COVID-19 employee hotline remains available at 2-6843 (COVID). Employees also can access a regularly updated list of Frequently Asked Questions and a compilation of helpful information. Employees with questions not answered by the FAQs and listed resources also may reach out to covid19 [at] (this email).
During this time, it is important that employees regularly check for updates via e-Line, AtHoc or the external Emergency Communication web page. All employees who have not done so are strongly encouraged to sign up for AtHoc. AtHoc recipients should respond to messages if requested (typically by replying “1”).
Note: The links in the above communication are internal LLNL links and may not work in all situations.
Lynda L Seaver[email protected]
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