DOE seeks industry partners for HPC research on materials in applied energy technologies

The Department of Energy (DOE) today announced a funding opportunity totaling $3 million to support projects between U.S. industry and DOE national laboratories related to improving materials in severe or complex environments through the new High Performance Computing for Materials in Applied Energy Technologies (HPC4Mtls) Program.
The call for proposals is the first solicitation under the newly instituted HPC4Mtls Program. Through support from the DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy (FE) and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Fuel Cell Technologies (FCTO) and Vehicle Technologies Offices (VTO), selected industry partners wishing to apply high performance computing, modeling, simulation and data analysis to specific materials challenges will be granted up to $300,000 to pay for access to HPC facilities and the expertise of scientists at participating DOE national laboratories.
"This is an exciting new pillar for the HPC for Energy Innovation Program," said Lori Diachin, director of the HPC4Mtls program. "It should significantly expand the reach and impact of high performance computing in the industrial sector by broadening the range of problems on which industrial partners may collaborate with the DOE laboratories."
The HPC4Mtls Program is administered by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), with managing principal laboratories Los Alamos National Laboratory, the National Energy Technology Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The four laboratories will provide computing resources to the program, as will Argonne and Lawrence Berkeley national laboratories.
The HPC4Mtls Program seeks to provide HPC expertise and resources to industry, thus reducing the risk of HPC adoption and broadening its use to support technology development. Through this initial solicitation, DOE aims to demonstrate the benefit of HPC in investigating, improving and scaling up methods to accelerate development and deployment of materials that perform well in severe and complex energy application environments.
As the primary sponsor for the HPC4Mtls program, DOE’s Fossil Energy Office (FE) is particularly interested in predicting material behavior in high temperature or corrosive environments such as fossil fuel power plants; the kinetics of materials behavioral degradation; improving the performance of alloys; understanding processes in oxidation, corrosion, electrochemical interactions; and modeling of simulation tools that will reduce the time to qualification and certification of materials. Other topic areas include materials for advanced water-splitting technologies; hydrogen storage; reducing weight reduction for light-duty vehicles; improving mechanical performance of alloys at elevated temperatures; and using machine learning and data analytics to identify promising new material compositions.
"The DOE national labs have unparalleled expertise in new materials and materials performance under extreme environments and conditions," said Jeff Roberts, LLNL’s director for advanced energy technologies and co-creator of the HPC4Mtls Program. "Combined with HPC, this new pillar will enable companies to accelerate the innovation and implementation of materials and processes."
To qualify, Industry partners must contribute at least 20 percent of the total DOE funding for the projects. Total project size cannot exceed $500,000. Completed concept papers must be submitted by April 19. All awards are subject to available funding.
Submit a proposal through hpc4mtls-submissions [at] (email). For more information on the HPC4Mtls program and submission requirements, visit the web. LLNL also will host two informational webinars, which are scheduled for March 8 and March 14. Registration information will be posted on the web.

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HPC4MtlsHPC4Mtls solicitation
HPC, Simulation, and Data ScienceComputing
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