
Media Advisory Lab's 'Science On Saturday' lecture explores next-generation diagnostic services

WHO: Lab researchers John Chang, Peter Haugen and Christine Paulson, and Tracy High School teacher Dean Reese will present "Medical Radar: Next-Generation Life-Saving Medical Diagnostic Devices."

WHAT: We live in a time when miraculous medical discoveries are occurring on a regular basis. However, many of the miracle tools, because of their size and complexity, are confined to state of the art medical centers in large cities. During this lecture, the presenters will discuss the efforts being made to build new medical tools that could help save lives in remote and hard-to-reach places in the world.

They also will discuss the efforts to build medical tools to determine life-threatening traumatic injuries to the head and torso by using the Micropower Ultrawideband Impulse Radar (MUIR), a device that emits and detects very low-power high frequency electromagnetic signals. A transmitted signal interacts with materials differently so that when the modified signal is detected, physical properties about the material can be determined. This device has the advantage of being safe, portable, non-invasive, and provides real time feedback.

WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013

Session I: 9:30 a.m.

Session II: 11:15 a.m.

WHERE: Bankhead Theater, 2400 First St., Livermore.

NOTE: Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis; there is no pre-registration. Directions, maps and a complete list of lectures are available on the Science on Saturday Website. Science on Saturday is presented by LLNL's Science Education Program.