Lab and Spain sign agreement to collaborate on fusion

The Laboratory and IFN have had a long history of collaboration; the MOU serves to solidify that association as part of UPM's focus on building international relationships to support stability and growth in research.
"This agreement will provide a platform for the Laboratory and IFN to build on a decades-long tradition of common research in areas related to high energy density science, inertial confinement fusion, inertial fusion energy and basic science," said Tomas Diaz de la Rubia , the Lab's deputy director of Science & Technology.
The two parties will exchange information and conduct joint research in areas including high energy density science and other fundamental science topics; fundamental science experiments of common interest in LLNL's National Ignition Facility; and various topics within the Lab's Laser Inertial Fusion Engine program, or LIFE.
NIF will serve as a central point in the research collaboration, bringing its strength as the world's largest and most energetic laser to support the parties' research in areas of vital importance to the world. A focus is research conducted to support NIF's Inertial Fusion Energy Program, its demonstration of fusion energy, and the technology's suitability for large-scale, laser fusion-driven power plants. "This compliments both the LLNL mission and research IFN is currently undertaking, providing a natural place for collaboration," Diaz de la Rubia added.
In addition to supporting shared research, the MOU provides for the exchange of scientists and students between LLNL and IFN. These researchers will work to support the common research interests at both institutions.
Breanna Bishop[email protected]
Lasers and Optical S&TLasers
National Ignition Facility and Photon Science
Physical and Life Sciences
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