Center Offers Short Course on Laser-Plasma Interactions

Plasma physics expert Pierre Michel will teach a new short course on laser-plasma interactions.
The High Energy Density Science (HEDS) will offer a three-week course during November 2019, which will explore the principles of laser-plasma interactions that are relevant to HED physics, with a focus on unmagnetized plasmas. Pierre Michel, an LLNL expert in plasma physics, will teach the course on-site at LLNL, and his recorded lectures will be available through the HEDS Center.
Instructor Pierre Michel is an LLNL researcher and group leader for the Lab's laser-plasma interaction group. Course topics will include the propagation and absorption of light waves in plasmas, coupling mechanisms between particles and waves in plasmas, and particle acceleration concepts using lasers. He will also discuss related research areas, such as inertial confinement fusion, short-pulse particle acceleration, and plasma optics.
The course will run from November 5-21, meeting every Tuesday and Thursday from noon to 1 pm. Lectures can be viewed in real-time via a web conferencing link, and will be archived for later viewing. There is no cost to participate in the live sessions via web conferencing, or to view recorded lectures.
For more information, email the HEDS Center Administrator, Jessica Letteer, at letteer1 [at] (letteer1[at]llnl[dot]gov).
High-Energy-Density ScienceCenter for High Energy Density Science
Physical and Life Sciences
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