Samuel Franklin Eccles

Samuel Franklin Eccles

Samuel Franklin Eccles died Aug. 8. He was 92.

Eccles was born in Reno Nevada to parents Forrest Walker Eccles and Bessie Kelly. He attended Reno High School. He completed his undergraduate work in physics and mathematics at the University of Nevada, Reno, receiving a bachelor of science degree in physics in 1952. He continued with a master’s degree in physics at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge in 1954. He received his doctor of philosophy with a thesis in experimental nuclear physics from the University of Washington Seattle in 1958. He then spent a year in Amsterdam, Holland doing research at a nuclear physics institute. He served as assistant professor of physics at University of Nevada Reno for three years before joining the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, now Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in 1962. At LLNL he worked in experimental low energy nuclear physics, in neutrino physics, in Z Division, and later worked in International Nuclear Proliferation and finally in the Beam Research Program. He retired from LLNL in 1990.

He is survived by his wife Katharine Anne and his two sons, Mark and Stuart, daughter in law, Kimberly and grandchildren Katja and Ethan. He was predeceased by his two brothers, F. Kelly Eccles and William Eccles.