Magalee Ford Bleckert

Magalee Ford Bleckert died recently. She was 91.

Bleckert was born Sept. 30, 1922, in Haskell, Okla., to Millard Fillmore and Flute Jane Ford.

Bleckert was married to Carl Bleckert in 1950. They had a daughter, Cynde, and son, Michael. She engaged fully in family and work life. She worked proudly at canneries in San Francisco, as a telephone operator connecting service men of Camp Shoemaker and abroad to their families, even as her husband spent years oversees. She then connected vital national security calls while working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where she retired.

Together with her husband, they were visionary entrepreneurs starting many businesses like The Other End Natural Foods, The Old Monument Antiques and Collectibles, Hope Frog, Magalee Doll Fashions, Watershed Antiques & Drive Thru Espresso, and "A" Vintage. She painted in watercolor, crafted porcelain dolls, pioneereed organic farming and recently authored her autobiography.

Bleckert is predeceased by her parents; husband, Carl; son, Michael; sister, Opal; and brother, Brud.

Bleckert is survived by her daughter, Cynde; grandsons, Robert and Michael; great-grandsons, Sebastian, Donovan, James and Francis; and her sister, Anita.

Funeral services were recently held at Sebastopol Memorial Lawn.