Minimum Safe Operations posture continues

In response to COVID-19, the Lab has transitioned to a Reduced Mission-Critical Operations state.
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has now been at a Minimum Safe Operations posture for five days, and all systems are operating as planned, with a limited number of people continuing to work on-site to ensure the safety and security of the Laboratory and its facilities.
In addition, a small number of employees remain on site to support select mission-critical activities, including work to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. For more about these important efforts, see here and here.
Since the move to this posture began, employees involved in Minimum Safe Operations have been asked to adhere to protocols that reduce COVID-19 spread. These protocols have now been formalized into a Sitewide Work Control Document that outlines the COVID-19 hazard in the workplace and the controls that protect employees, including social distancing where possible, the use of PPE, frequent hand-washing and maintaining clean work areas.
For more information about how the Laboratory is managing work during the current stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, including how employees should operate on site and how to report illness, see here.
School closures
The Laboratory is aware of the extended school closures for the Bay Area counties. Senior management is working with NNSA to explore options for our employees who face child or elder care issues.
Employee resources
During this time, it is important that employees regularly check for updates via e-Line, AtHoc or the external Emergency Communication web page. All employees who have not done so are strongly encouraged to sign up for AtHoc. Click here for instructions.
The COVID-19 employee hotline remains available at 2-6843 (COVID). Employees also can access a regularly updated list of Frequently Asked Questions and a compilation of helpful information. Employees with questions not answered by the FAQs and listed resources also may reach out to covid19 [at] (this email address).
Many employees have now been productively working from home for more than a week, keeping Laboratory operations up and running remotely. For those employees, LivIT has provided a number of helpful resources, including information on hardware, access, software, troubleshooting and frequently asked questions. To access this information, click here.
Employees are encouraged to install Stretchbreak to be reminded to take breaks and stretches in between repetitive motion tasks.
Work-related injury care, ergonomics
The Health Services Department (HSD) continues to provide work-related injury care Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Any LLNS employee who is injured while telecommuting off site or working on site can be seen. While walk-ins are accepted, HSD prefers that employees call 2-7459 to schedule an appointment. Telecommuting employees may access care closer to home if they prefer. In the event of a work-related injury, contact your supervisor as soon as possible.
In addition, telecommuters who are experiencing discomfort or have concerns about the ergonomics of their home work area may schedule a virtual ergonomic evaluation. Type “ergonomics” into the search box to be directed to the request page.
Assembly points
During Minimum Safe Operations, the current after-hours protocol for an evacuation will be used after an earthquake and/or any other significant emergency requiring sitewide evacuation, regardless of time of day. After-hours assembly points (AP) are designated at each Fire Station (Site 200: Bldg. 323; Site 300: Bldg. 890). Report to the site’s after-hours AP if evacuation is required and follow the simple instructions in the box. The National Ignition Facility will follow its current after-hours procedure.
As a reminder, during earthquakes, regardless of magnitude, employees should drop, cover and hold on while the earthquake is occurring. Once ground motion stops, evacuate buildings immediately if there are any safety concerns. If you feel safe indoors following a minor earthquake, you may remain indoors unless a sitewide announcement provides new guidance.
Note: The links in the above communication are internal LLNL links and may not work in all situations.
Lynda L Seaver[email protected]
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