COVID-19 update: Message from the director
Last week, I directed an orderly move to Minimum Safe Operations for our Laboratory in response to the growing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the tireless efforts of employees across the Laboratory, we have achieved that goal.
Today, we are officially in Minimum Safe Operations, with a limited number of people on site to ensure the safety and security of our Laboratory and its facilities, in addition to supporting select mission-critical activities. But make no mistake – while our on-site work activities have been curtailed, our service to the nation continues.
This is a time of great uncertainty for us all. The situation will be changing rapidly, forcing us to adapt at a moment’s notice. But this is what the Laboratory does best. We have a long and proud history of rising to the occasion, from the Cold War to the Gulf War, 9/11 and now, today’s pandemic. This situation is unprecedented, but I have no doubt we will meet this challenge as we have met so many others.
For nearly 70 years, we’ve applied science and technology to solve some of the world’s greatest problems, and we are well suited to meet today’s threat. Already, we are using the Lab’s unmatched tools and expertise to help respond to and find a solution to this pandemic. We’ll share more on this important work later today.
In the meantime, I urge everyone to adhere to the guidelines in our state and counties’ shelter-in-place orders. By practicing these measures – remaining at home except to access essential services, practicing social distancing, frequent hand washing and others – we can help to slow the transmission of this virus in our community.
If you are still working on-site and become ill with respiratory symptoms, you must stay home until you are symptom-free for 24 hours. If you become ill at work, it is imperative you inform you supervisor and leave work immediately.
If your symptoms are consistent with COVID-19, please consult your health care provider. If you have questions related to the Laboratory, the COVID-19 employee hotline remains available at 2-6843 (COVID) or you may reach out to covid19 [at] (this email address).
In addition, if you are experiencing fear or anxiety as a result of this pandemic, you may call the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at 3-6609, or the off-site EAP, CONCERN, 24/7 at (800) 344-4222.
Whether you continue to serve on site, are a member of the Protective Force and Alameda County Fire or are working from home to keep our operations up and running – thank you. You are the Laboratory’s greatest resource, and that has never been more apparent.
- Bill Goldstein, LLNL director
Note: The links in the above communication are internal LLNL links and may not work in all situations.
Lynda L Seaver[email protected]
Related Links
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)CONCERN
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