Lawrence Livermore campaign raises $3.4 million for charitable organizations

LIVERMORE, California -- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory employees, along with Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC (LLNS), have raised $3.4 million to give to charities within their surrounding communities.
Laboratory employees pledged $2.4 million through the Helping Others More Effectively (HOME) Campaign, an annual employee charitable giving campaign celebrating its 40th year. Through the campaign, Lab employees pledged donations via payroll deduction or gave onetime donations that go directly to agencies selected by employees.
In addition, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, which manages the Lab for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration, announced it would donate $1 million in matching funds again this year. With the LLNS match, the total amount raised was $3.4 million to benefit more than 600 community/nonprofit agencies in the Tri-Valley, San Joaquin Valley and Greater Bay Area and beyond.
"During the HOME Campaign, I watched contributions rise with excitement and pride in the generosity of our employees," said Bill Goldstein, LLNS president and director of the Laboratory. "Their gifts will help make a difference in the lives of many people in our community. I'd also like to thank LLNS, LLC, for its commitment to HOME, and amplifying the Lab's impact through its matching donation."
Since 2009, the Lab's HOME Campaign has raised more than $3 million annually (including the annual LLNS $1 million match) with a total amount raised of nearly $30 million overall in the last 10 years.
The HOME Campaign is one of the Tri-Valley's most generous annual charity drives, and is a major community support activity for the Laboratory.

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(925) 424-4715
Related Links
Community GivingThe Genesis of the HOME Campaign
Lawrence Livermore charitable campaign raises $3.3 million
HOME CampaignCommunity Outreach
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