Lawrence Livermore charitable campaign raises $3.3 million for local organizations
Laboratory employees pledged $2.3 million to the HOME Campaign (for Helping Others More Effectively) -- an annual charitable drive that benefits community/nonprofit agencies in the Tri Valley, San Joaquin Valley, Greater Bay Area and beyond. In addition, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, which manages the Lab for the U.S. Department of Energy, announced it would donate $1 million in matching funds.
"The generosity of LLNL employees in helping others is awe-inspiring," said Bret Knapp, acting LLNS president and director of the Laboratory. "The contributions we make to organizations through the HOME Campaign serve a variety of charities in and around our community and truly help to improve the lives of so many."
Since 2007, the Lab's HOME Campaign has raised more than $2 million annually through donations that go directly to agencies selected by employees.
Again this year, the LLNS Board of Governors announced LLNS, would match the first $1 million raised in the campaign.
The funds for the match come from the fee LLNS receives to manage the Laboratory, not the Department of Energy funds for the Laboratory's operations.
LLNS is a limited liability company that includes Bechtel National, Inc., the University of California, the Babcock & Wilcox Company, the Washington Division of URS Corporation, and Battelle. The HOME Campaign is one of the Tri-Valley's largest annual charity drives, and is a major community support activity for the Laboratory. This year through the campaign, Lab employees pledged donations via payroll deduction or gave one-time donations to benefit more than 600 agencies of their choice.

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