
Statement on OIG Report on Locks and Keys

The events covered in this report were unfortunate. But once made aware, senior Laboratory management acted aggressively to correct both key and TESA card issues. Most of the recommendations included in this report already have been put in place
Security risk assessments show only a minimal increased risk to classified information, and there was no evidence that classified materials were jeopardized.

The lock replacement and upgrade costs require clarification: Lock replacement is based on risk assessments, business needs and the availability of new lock technology. The replacement cost was $333K for 1300 locks.
The Laboratory had already begun an overall modernization program for locks, which the loss of the master keys and TESA cards accelerated. The costs of this lock upgrade are a normal and allowable business cost, regardless of the speed with which it is accomplished.


Founded in 1952, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is a national security laboratory, with a mission to ensure national security and apply science and technology to the important issues of our time. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.

Laboratory news releases and photos are also available electronically on the World Wide Web of the Internet at URL and on UC Newswire.

Nov. 6, 2003


David Schwoegler
[email protected]