
Rumor... or Fact? April 25, 2008 edition

Editor's note: Following the transition to Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, and in the wake of Workforce Restructuring initiatives, rumors and misinformation have been circulating. This space addresses those rumors.

Rumor: The Laboratory is going to shut down in September and furlough its employees in an effort to save money.

Fact: This is not true. The Laboratory has no plans to furlough workers or shut down temporarily to save money. Last year the Lab evaluated the benefits of an extended holiday shutdown for cost-savings purposes. However, due to the number of facilities that must remain open around the clock, combined with the need for security, safety and other essential personnel, the cost savings from a shutdown/furlough would not be substantial.

Rumor: The Lab is going to do away with adjusted alternate work schedules.

Fact: This is incorrect. While the Laboratory has been reworking the policies and procedures on adjusted alternate work schedules, necessitated by the transition from a public to private contract manager, there is no plan to do away with the adjusted alternate schedules.

Rumor: The layoff will disproportionately affect women, minorities and administrative staff.

Fact: As George Miller has stated in his all hands talks, cost efficiencies and work force restructuring are critical to the future of the Laboratory. A special Layoff Policy Implementation Review Committee has been appointed by the director to ensure job cuts are in accordance with cost efficiencies. In addition, an adverse impact study will be conducted to ensure that proposed layoff lists have been developed in accordance with the Lab's policies and conditions of the approved 3161 plan. An important part of this review will be an analysis of adverse impact.

April 25, 2008