
Remedy for access problems to employee survey Website

International Survey Research (ISR) is conducting the 2001 Employee Opinion Survey for the Laboratory. If you have already completed the survey, thank you.

Some employees have reported problems in accessing ISR’s secure Website to take the survey online using Netscape Communicator. Netscape may crash or fail to connect to the survey site, and display a "memory access violation" error. The problem has to do with the level of encryption supported by the particular version of Netscape Communicator being used.

If you encounter this error, please use the following steps to correct the problem and access the Survey. Try them in order until you are able to obtain secure access to ISR’s site.

1. If you already have Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher on your system, use it to access the survey.
2. Adjust your security settings in Netscape Communicator by following these instructions:
• In Netscape Communicator, under the Communicator menu, select Tools and then Security Info.
• On the resulting Web page, click the Navigator link in the left column and then select Configure SSL 3 from the right pane.
• In the subsequent pop-up menu, remove the check marks from the following two options: "RC4 encryption with a 56-bit key and a SHA-1 MAC" and "DES encryption in CBC mode with a 56-bit key and a SHA-1 MAC."
• Click OK twice to finish.
3. Upgrade to Nescape Communicator v.4.7.5 Go to and scroll down to the Netscape Communicator v.4.7.5 link, click on it, and then follow the on-screen instructions to down load it.

If you still cannot access the survey after trying these steps please contact the Systems & Network Department help desk at 4-HELP or your local computer support person.

June 1, 2001