We support diverse research activities with talented staff, state-of-the-art facilities and core competencies. From internal collaboration to external partnerships, we work together to advance scientific discovery.
The El Capitan supercomputer will give complex high-fidelity modeling, artificial intelligence and simulation an exascale boost. Learn how it will support national security and stockpile stewardship.
We support diverse research activities with talented staff, state-of-the-art facilities and core competencies. From internal collaboration to external partnerships, we work together to advance scientific discovery.
The El Capitan supercomputer will give complex high-fidelity modeling, artificial intelligence and simulation an exascale boost. Learn how it will support national security and stockpile stewardship.
Back Lab scientist receives chemical society award Download Image Annie Kersting serves as director of the Laboratorys Glenn T Seaborg Institute where she is well known both nationally and internationally for her work in actinide environmental chemistry Photos by Julie Russell Laboratory geochemist ...
Barney Rubin Barney Rubin PhD died Feb 24 in Walnut Creek California surrounded by his family He was 94 Born in Kansas City Missouri on Jan 1 1924 he was a brilliant chemical engineer and scholar in the study of conscious awareness In the arc of his career he was instrumental in the development of the ...
Back Radiochemistry intern digs deep to prevent the spread of nuclear waste Download Image Zachary Murphy a summer intern with LLNLs Glenn T Seaborg Institute analyzes underground samples from an organic-rich rock formation to determine the locations potential as a long-term nuclear waste repository ...
Back Radiochemistry intern digs deep to prevent the spread of nuclear waste Download Image Zachary Murphy a summer intern with LLNLs Glenn T Seaborg Institute analyzes underground samples from an organic-rich rock formation to determine the locations potential as a long-term nuclear waste repository ...
Back Oxygen effects on uranium tested Download Image Shown on a large computer screen is a Raman spectrum of uranium oxide particulates formed inside the teams benchtop reaction chamber The uranium oxide spectrum shown is for U3O8 Photos by Julie RussellLLNL A team of researchers from Lawrence Livermore ...
Back LLNL LANL Sandia directors visit Russian laboratories Download Image Photo taken during a visit to the city of Snehzinsk and VNIITF in front of a statue of Igor Kurchatov who was a Soviet nuclear physicist and widely known as the director of the Soviet atomic bomb project Left to right Georgiy ...
Back Oxygen effects on uranium tested Download Image Shown on a large computer screen is a Raman spectrum of uranium oxide particulates formed inside the teams benchtop reaction chamber The uranium oxide spectrum shown is for U3O8 Photos by Julie RussellLLNL A team of researchers from Lawrence Livermore ...
Back LLNL LANL Sandia directors visit Russian laboratories Download Image Photo taken during a visit to the city of Snehzinsk and VNIITF in front of a statue of Igor Kurchatov who was a Soviet nuclear physicist and widely known as the director of the Soviet atomic bomb project Left to right Georgiy ...
Seven Decades of CuttingEdge Science
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(LLNL) was established in 1952 at the
height of the Cold War to meet urgent
national security needs by advancing
nuclear weapons science and technology.
Renowned physicists E.O. Lawrence and
Edward Teller argued for the creation
of a second laboratory to augment the
efforts of the laboratory at Los Alamos ...
Research at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory (LLNL) spanning nuclei
formation to planetary evolution addresses
our strategic deterrence and global security
missions—including threat detection and
diagnostics—and contributes to scientific
advances in high explosives research,
nuclear and particle physics, environmental
radiochemistry, cosmochemistry, and
forensic science ...