We support diverse research activities with talented staff, state-of-the-art facilities and core competencies. From internal collaboration to external partnerships, we work together to advance scientific discovery.
The El Capitan supercomputer will give complex high-fidelity modeling, artificial intelligence and simulation an exascale boost. Learn how it will support national security and stockpile stewardship.
We support diverse research activities with talented staff, state-of-the-art facilities and core competencies. From internal collaboration to external partnerships, we work together to advance scientific discovery.
The El Capitan supercomputer will give complex high-fidelity modeling, artificial intelligence and simulation an exascale boost. Learn how it will support national security and stockpile stewardship.
Missions Climate Cyber security Defense Energy Nuclear deterrence Space security Threat preparedness Core Competencies Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Bioscience and Bioengineering Earth and Atmospheric Science High-Energy-Density Science HPC Simulation and Data Science Lasers and Optical SampT ...
June 26 2009 Ab initio molecular modeling Download Image At left a transmission electron microscope image of Pu precipitates bright particles sorbed to synthetic goethite mineral At right an X-ray element mapping where blue areas show the location of Pu Download Image Previous Next Plutonium transport ...
June 26 2009 Ab initio molecular modeling Download Image At left a transmission electron microscope image of Pu precipitates bright particles sorbed to synthetic goethite mineral At right an X-ray element mapping where blue areas show the location of Pu Download Image Previous Next Plutonium transport ...
Approved for public release;
Distribution is unlimited
Modern Fission Theory for Criticality
J. Eric Lynn
Composition and cover design by Charles T. Rombough, CTR Technical Services, Inc.
Printing coordination by Jerry Halladay, Group IM-4
Los Alamos National Laboratory, an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, is operated by the University of
California for the United States Department of Energy under contract W-7405-ENG-36 ...
Missions Climate Cyber security Defense Energy Nuclear deterrence Space security Threat preparedness Core Competencies Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Bioscience and Bioengineering Earth and Atmospheric Science High-Energy-Density Science HPC Simulation and Data Science Lasers and Optical SampT ...
Missions Climate Cyber security Defense Energy Nuclear deterrence Space security Threat preparedness Core Competencies Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Bioscience and Bioengineering Earth and Atmospheric Science High-Energy-Density Science HPC Simulation and Data Science Lasers and Optical SampT ...
Missions Climate Cyber security Defense Energy Nuclear deterrence Space security Threat preparedness Core Competencies Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Bioscience and Bioengineering Earth and Atmospheric Science High-Energy-Density Science HPC Simulation and Data Science Lasers and Optical SampT ...
Missions Climate Cyber security Defense Energy Nuclear deterrence Space security Threat preparedness Core Competencies Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Bioscience and Bioengineering Earth and Atmospheric Science High-Energy-Density Science HPC Simulation and Data Science Lasers and Optical SampT ...
Missions Climate Cyber security Defense Energy Nuclear deterrence Space security Threat preparedness Core Competencies Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Bioscience and Bioengineering Earth and Atmospheric Science High-Energy-Density Science HPC Simulation and Data Science Lasers and Optical SampT ...
Missions Climate Cyber security Defense Energy Nuclear deterrence Space security Threat preparedness Core Competencies Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Bioscience and Bioengineering Earth and Atmospheric Science High-Energy-Density Science HPC Simulation and Data Science Lasers and Optical SampT ...