We support diverse research activities with talented staff, state-of-the-art facilities and core competencies. From internal collaboration to external partnerships, we work together to advance scientific discovery.
The El Capitan supercomputer will give complex high-fidelity modeling, artificial intelligence and simulation an exascale boost. Learn how it will support national security and stockpile stewardship.
We support diverse research activities with talented staff, state-of-the-art facilities and core competencies. From internal collaboration to external partnerships, we work together to advance scientific discovery.
The El Capitan supercomputer will give complex high-fidelity modeling, artificial intelligence and simulation an exascale boost. Learn how it will support national security and stockpile stewardship.
December 2007
National Nuclear
Security Administration’s
Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
Also in this issue:
• Unlocking the Secrets at Earth’s Core
• Improved Security for Wireless Communication
• Teller’s Legacy in Nuclear Power Research
About the Cover
National Nuclear
Security Administration’s
Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
Also in this issue:
• Unlocking the Secrets at Earth’s Core
• Improved Security for Wireless Communication
• Teller’s Legacy in Nuclear Power Research
Cover design: Alexandria Ballard ...
L a w r e n c e
L i v e r m o r e
N a t i o n a l
L a b o r a t o r y
June 2011
Also in this issue:
Could Comet Impacts Generate Life?
Fabricating a Ribbon of Optical Light
Improved Imaging for Aviation Security
Renewing its talented workforce has been a key
to Lawrence Livermore’s success and longevity,
and the Postdoc Program, described in the article
beginning on p ...
L a w r e n c e
L i v e r m o r e
N a t i o n a l
L a b o r a t o r y
June 2011
Also in this issue:
Could Comet Impacts Generate Life?
Fabricating a Ribbon of Optical Light
Improved Imaging for Aviation Security
Renewing its talented workforce has been a key
to Lawrence Livermore’s success and longevity,
and the Postdoc Program, described in the article
beginning on p ...
L a w r e n c e
L i v e r m o r e
N a t i o n a l
L a b o r a t o r y
March 2014
Also in this issue:
Light, Compact Neutron Detection
Biosecurity in a Chip
Improving Nuclear Fuel Burnup
Over the years, radiochemistry has proven to
be a vital field for research innovation in support
of Livermore’s national security mission ...
April 2004
National Nuclear
Security Administration’s
Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
Also in this issue:
• Yucca Mountain’s Engineered
Barrier System
• Controlling Combustion for a
Cleaner, More Efficient Engine
A Livermore team is developing DNA and protein
signatures for pathogens and deploying validated assays
in the field as part of the national effort to defend
against bioterrorism ...
February 2001
U.S. Department of Energy’s
Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
This issue of S&TR pays tribute to Roger
Batzel, the Laboratory’s sixth and longesttenured director (1971–1988). Batzel died on
July 29, 2000, at the age of 78. He was an
extraordinary leader, deeply respected personally
and for the significant growth and achievement
he fostered in Laboratory missions ...
July/August 1998
Edward Teller
at 90
About the Cover
July/August 1998
On the occasion of Edward Teller’s 90th
birthday, S&TR has the pleasure of honoring
Lawrence Livermore’s co-founder and most
influential scientist. Teller is known for his
inventive work in physics, his concepts leading
to thermonuclear explosions, and his strong
stands on such issues as science education, the
nation’s strategic defense, the needs for science
in the future, and sharing scientific information ...
Meet PLS People Explore this page to learn more about the people behind the science William Schill Research scientist Materials Science Division William Schill Research scientist Materials Science Division In a few words or less how would you describe what you do Im a research scientist What do you ...
L a w r e n c e
L i v e r m o r e
N a t i o n a l
L a b o r a t o r y
October/November 2010
Livermore Wins
6 R&D 100
Also in this issue:
Expanding the Periodic Table
Summer Students Engage in Diverse Research
Laboratory researchers captured six R&D
100 awards in R&D Magazine’s annual competition
for the top 100 industrial innovations worldwide ...
July/August 2003
National Nuclear
Security Administration’s
Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
Also in this issue:
• Unexpected Effects of Low-Dose
Ionizing Radiation on Cells
• Munitions with Controlled Lethality
• Livermore’s New Decontamination
and Waste Treatment Facility
The lead article in this issue, which begins on
p ...