
LLNL tops Physics of Plasma's most-cited list

poplist (Download Image) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is at the top of Physics of Plasmas's most-cited papers for January-June 2015. Physics of Plasmas is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original experimental and theoretical contributions in plasma physics.

Physics of Plasmas (PoP), a peer-reviewed journal publishing original experimental and theoretical contributions in plasma physics, recently released a list of the most-cited papers for January-June 2015.

Out of the 30 most-cited papers on the list, the top five had lead authors from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. No. 8, 9 and 17 on the list were also led by LLNL, for a total of eight — more than any other institution on the PoP list.

LLNL researchers also served as co-authors on an additional five papers.

Papers with LLNL lead authors:

Papers with LLNL co-authors: