LLNL tops Physics of Plasma's most-cited list

Physics of Plasmas (PoP), a peer-reviewed journal publishing original experimental and theoretical contributions in plasma physics, recently released a list of the most-cited papers for January-June 2015.
Out of the 30 most-cited papers on the list, the top five had lead authors from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. No. 8, 9 and 17 on the list were also led by LLNL, for a total of eight — more than any other institution on the PoP list.
LLNL researchers also served as co-authors on an additional five papers.
Papers with LLNL lead authors:
- High-density carbon ablator experiments on the National Ignition Facility
- Metrics for long wavelength asymmetries in inertial confinement fusion implosions on the National Ignition Facility
- An in-flight radiography platform to measure hydrodynamic instability growth in inertial confinement fusion capsules at the National Ignition Facility
- The high-foot implosion campaign on the National Ignition Facility
- Review of the National Ignition Campaign 2009-2012
- Dynamic symmetry of indirectly driven inertial confinement fusion capsules on the National Ignition Facility
- A survey of pulse shape options for a revised plastic ablator ignition design
- The effects of early time laser drive on hydrodynamic instability growth in National Ignition Facility implosions
Papers with LLNL co-authors:
- Improving the hot-spot pressure and demonstrating ignition hydrodynamic equivalence in cryogenic deuterium–tritium implosions on OMEGA
- Coupling strength in Coulomb and Yukawa one-component plasmas
- Design of magnetized liner inertial fusion experiments using the Z facility
- Optimized beryllium target design for indirectly driven inertial confinement fusion experiments on the National Ignition Facility
- Multiple-beam laser–plasma interactions in inertial confinement fusion

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(925) 423-9802
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Phyics of Plasmas2015 “Most Cited” List
Lasers and Optical S&TLasers
National Ignition Facility and Photon Science
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