Lawrence Livermore highlights from 2014

Newsline's month-by-month highlights from 2014 are available on the Web. As in the past, listings are in four categories: Science and Technology; People; Operations; and Recognition and Awards. The 2014 Year-in-Review will appear electronically; there will be no print edition. The Web-based format offers the advantage of providing links to the referenced Newsline articles, press releases or the LLNL Report, some of which are only accessible to employees. Based on feedback received from readers, the Newsline staff aims to make this special edition a useful reference for employees.
Newsline's month-by-month highlights are available in two formats: interactive pdf and non-interactive pdf. (Because of their size, these documents may take a few moments to appear on your computer. For best usability, when viewing the interactive PDF, use Firefox with Acrobat Reader.) Newsline welcomes feedback and ideas from readers. Send comments to Newsline or to the LLNL Public Affairs Office at pao [at] (subject: Public%20Affairs) (pao[at]lln[dot]gov.)

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